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The Society arranges visits to gardens throughout the year on an ad hoc basis.  These are make your own way outings.  Details of venues, dates and the cost will be published in newsletters.


Visit to Beth Chatto's Garden

Visit to National Collection of Geums

The Glasshouse Project - Cranbrook

A group of gardeners from the Horticultural Society joined members of the u3a Gardening Group to visit the Glasshouse Project based in Cranbrook.  This project was set up to help female prisoners integrate back into society prior to their release.  The organisers go into prisons and work with prisoners teaching them about growing houseplants.  Prisoners on day release have the opportunity to work in the workshop at Cranbrook where they grow houseplants which are then either sold to big businesses or in their shop in Cranbrook.  We had a thoroughly great time on the day we planted on some houseplants.

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