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The Story Behind Our Gardening Club

Tenterden & District Horticultural Society was founded in 1942.  The Society is a very active and friendly group of keen gardeners interested in growing both vegetables and flowers.  In addition members engage in photography and cookery activities connected to gardening. Members can meet once a month to participate in flower arranging. The Society holds talks by professional speakers on various aspects of horticulture from February to October each year.  Members are encouraged to enter exhibits in three shows each year where they share the fruits of their labour.

Membership is open to anyone wishing to join and learn more about gardening.  The cost is £7 for one adult annually or £6 for an additional adult.

For further information contact the chairman,

Cathy Dalton.

3 Beacon Oak Road, Tenterden, Kent TN30 7LT

01580 854929


To join contact, Ann Achow, Membership Secretary

01580 762984

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

Membership Form

FULL NAME.........................................................................................





ADDITIONAL MEMBER (at same address)..................................................

The current subscription is £7 per annum for each full member, plus an extra £6 for one additional member at the same address.  Junior membership (12 to 16yrs) is £3.

Date..............................Subscription............................(£7, £13, £3

In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation your personal details will be held on a secure database and will be used solely for the administration and communication of Tenterden and District Horticultural Society matters.  They will never be supplied to outside agencies or third parties.


Please send the completed form, together with a cheque payable to The Tenterden & District Horticultural Society to The Treasurer, 8 Beacon Walk, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6SF.  Alternatively, you can pay directly into the Account of the Society via Internet Banking.  Whichever method of payment is chosen a completed form must be sent to the Treasurer.

A/C number:  01728173

Sort Code:  309028

A/C name:  Tent & Dis Hort Soc (leave spaces as shown and tick business account)

Please put your name in the Comments Box so the Treasurer will know wo has made the payment.

Please Tick method of payment:   Cheque..............   Bank Transfer....................

As a receipt your Handbook will be sent by post if you include an A5 (6" x 9") s.a.e., with a first or second class postage stamp. 

©2023 by Tenterden & District Horticultural Society. Proudly created with

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